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Helping Bloggers Get Started For 10 Years

Blog Tyrant can help you start a blog and build an ethical income online through tested content, SEO and email marketing strategies. Let’s get started…

Starting a Blog

Everything you need to start a blog the right way so that you’re set up for the best chances of success. Thousands of bloggers have used these articles to get their start.

Make Money Online

Here’s some articles to help you create a sustainable income stream from your blog in ways that help your readers and don’t make your blog sleazy.

Traffic & SEO

More detailed guides on how to make sure your blog’s SEO is working for you so that you can get as much relevant traffic to your blog as possible.

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Learn how to write blog posts that cover all of the topics your audience is looking for, how to keep your visitors engaged, and how to convince readers to take action.

EMail Marketing

Discover how to use the most powerful marketing tool there is to turn one-time website visitors into loyal subscribers who can't wait for your next email newsletter.

Blogging Tools

Read our expert reviews and comparisons to discover the best tools on the market to grow your blog on auto-pilot. We did hours of research so you don't have to.

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Most recent articles on email marketing, SEO, writing, and blogging. Read more in our blog...

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Our most popular articles to help you get started and build income online. Read more popular articles...

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Do you want to start a blog that's a huge success? One that you can even earn a full-time income from? Follow these proven steps to get started.
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How To Drive Traffic To Your Blog Posts: 10 Essential Blog Traffic Tips

Traffic is a hot topic in the blogosphere, because it’s the lifeblood of any blog. Here's the ultimate guide on how to get traffic to your blog.
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How to Create an Email Newsletter in 2024 (Simple Checklist)

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39 Best WordPress Plugins for Blogs in 2024 (Mostly FREE)

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9 Amazing Email Popup Examples (+ Why They Convert With Best Practices)

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103+ Beginner Blogging Tips To Jumpstart Your Site in 2024

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