Comments on: How to Use Video to Massively Increase Sign Ups & Conversions How to Start a Blog and Work from the Couch Fri, 29 Mar 2024 10:40:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Super Surfing Sunday | Pepper Scraps Sun, 18 Mar 2012 16:49:46 +0000 […] How to Use Video to Massively Increase Sign Ups & Conversions – Check out some great videos from the leading bloggers out there. Have you tried an intro video on your blog? […]

By: the Blog Tyrant Fri, 16 Mar 2012 01:29:50 +0000 In reply to Katie.

Totally agree Katie.

By: Katie Thu, 08 Mar 2012 20:33:04 +0000 I think “We’re not used to video selling yet” is a particularly salient point. As someone who’s constantly trying to sell without “selling,” video seems like a good way to get attention without being so overtly mercenary. I’d also like to second the good camera / microphone comment — but ESPECIALLY the microphone. People seem to forget that listening to pops and fuzz (or straining to hear) is far more intolerable than a few image problems.

By: Simba Russeaus Thu, 08 Mar 2012 15:31:50 +0000 In reply to the Blog Tyrant.

Here’s a link to a blogger who writes about social media. They created a character for their videos.

By: the Blog Tyrant Thu, 08 Mar 2012 09:04:37 +0000 In reply to Marcus.

Hey Marcus.

Love your comments as always.

The cheapest way I can find to get transcripts done is where you can hire people to do the job.

I wonder if there is a technology that will do it soon? I noticed that iPhone’s are now transcribing voicemails into text messages.

By: Marcus Thu, 08 Mar 2012 08:30:56 +0000 I’m glad you took on this topic. It’s close to my heart, as I’ve been studying video marketing and podcasting for the past couple months.

Compared to blogging, my impression is that audio-visual marketing has far less competition. I think it’s due to:

1) Fear of public speaking
2) The steep learning curve
3) The cost of equipment

Points #2 and #3 are becoming less of an issue. A pocket-sized “shoot and share” camcorder and a good lapel mic are dead simple to use for “vlogging” (video blogging). Not hard to get both for less than $200.

As long as people deal with point #1, it will hold them back, regardless of how cheap and easy the technology gets. The nice thing is that you can create videos on your computer, without having to show your face.

One resource I’d highly recommend is the “Video 101” series on Vimeo. Good lessons for beginners, explained in plain English:

Has anyone has found a free or cheap way to get transcripts done? That would really add to the user experience, as well as help with SEO.

By: the Blog Tyrant Thu, 08 Mar 2012 00:46:06 +0000 In reply to Mayi Carles.

Hey I like that!

I’d love to hear more about your product launch and all the ins and outs of it all.

I heard it was super successful?

Great work.

By: Mayi Carles Thu, 08 Mar 2012 00:38:39 +0000 In reply to the Blog Tyrant.

I’m always here. My hand raising abilities have just been slaking lately 🙂 Glad to be back!

Life is Messy Bootcamp is keeping me busy busy. Thanks for asking. I’m now planning to translate the program to Spanish to keep on growing. Which makes me ponder, the Hispanic community needs a Rey Tirano 🙂

By: the Blog Tyrant Wed, 07 Mar 2012 23:45:10 +0000 In reply to Ricardo Bueno.

Oh that’s right. I remember hearing about that. Thanks, I’m probably going to need to buy this. Lol.

By: Ricardo Bueno Wed, 07 Mar 2012 23:43:25 +0000 In reply to the Blog Tyrant.

Yeah, I use Camtasia too. Looks like the other device is called the Bamboo tablet. It basically allows you to draw on the screen as you’re recording a screencast.

It’s pretty sweet actually:
