Comments on: An 8-Step Formula for Blogging Success How to Start a Blog and Work from the Couch Tue, 28 Jul 2020 13:17:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Susie Lindau Thu, 04 Aug 2016 14:12:52 +0000 Hey Ramsay!
I just found your blog and LOVE it. Lots of great info here. I’ve been blogging for five years and there has never been more competition out there for bloggers.
I wondered what “scarcity” in titles means. Also, I don’t know if my “call to action” is above the fold.
It would be cool if you stopped by my Wild Ride. I would love to know what you think.
Nice to “meet” you!

By: Susan Fri, 29 Jul 2016 17:15:05 +0000 Ramsay,

I wanted to tell you that when I started this freelance writing journey, I subscribed to everyone I found who was blogging about blogging. 🙂 That’s a lot of subscriptions!

My inbox is unmanageable. I get so many that I don’t even see any of them.

I spent hours and hours yesterday and this morning unsubscribing and deleting. I’m keeping TWO subscriptions — yours and one other.

Your advice is the best. Thanks for consistently providing clear, helpful posts. Now I’ll actually be able to find them!

By: Michele Wed, 27 Jul 2016 18:22:01 +0000 Hi, I’ve just discovered your site as I’ve started a blog. Your posts are very useful. Very well done! Cheers from Switzerland!

By: Ramsay Tue, 26 Jul 2016 09:49:36 +0000 In reply to Binsoy.

Hi mate. I made the theme myself so it’s not available, unfortunately. Thanks for the kind words.

By: Ramsay Mon, 25 Jul 2016 00:57:51 +0000 In reply to Michal.

Yep, it’s hard sometimes. Got to stick at it.

By: Ramsay Mon, 25 Jul 2016 00:57:35 +0000 In reply to Binsoy.

Thank you!

By: Ramsay Mon, 25 Jul 2016 00:57:19 +0000 In reply to Team moi.

Glad you’re enjoying it.

By: Janay Sat, 23 Jul 2016 18:40:03 +0000 In reply to Robin Khokhar.

This is the peerfct post for me to find at this time

By: Michal Sat, 23 Jul 2016 07:43:11 +0000 Give yourself enough time to make it work

– That true. In my opinion to many people start blog and write just to write anything. They cant understand that good blog is like long-term run. The persistance is much more important than quick start.

By: Binsoy Fri, 22 Jul 2016 18:46:24 +0000 First of all, let me tell you that I am so impressed with this blog’s layout. Simple, minimal, elegant. What theme are you using, Ramsay?

I couldn’t agree more with starting a list especially at the same time you’re starting a website. I wish I had done this a few years back.

Thank you for creating such awesome articles, sir. I enjoy reading and learning from them. God bless you!
