Comments on: 7 Best Push Notification Software for Your WordPress Blog How to Start a Blog and Work from the Couch Mon, 29 Apr 2024 20:33:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: jasen hudson Thu, 16 Dec 2021 09:53:40 +0000 Thank you for presenting such an informative. I greatly appreciate the assistance to find the best tool for the WordPress site.

By: Sachin Landge Thu, 07 Oct 2021 11:58:06 +0000 I’ve been following your blog for quite some time now, and I love your content and the lessons you share with your readers. Every time I read a post, I feel like I’m able to take a single, clear lesson away from it, which is why I think it’s so great.

Thank You for this article on Push Notification Software!!

By: Allison Tue, 28 Sep 2021 16:01:33 +0000 In reply to Aquif Shaikh.

Hi Aquif, we can certainly try to update the article to cover that factor. I do know that our top pick, PushEngage, is built to be lightweight and as fast as possible, so it won’t slow down your site. Thanks for commenting!

By: Aquif Shaikh Thu, 23 Sep 2021 12:13:55 +0000 Could you please also cover the impact of each one of these Push Notification providers on your website load time? I was previously using Truepush on my website. However, it slowed down my website by almost a second.

By: Namisha Singh Sat, 07 Aug 2021 13:23:43 +0000 Excellent and detailed analysis. All the software is good but I prefer OneSignal.

By: Mark Mcgrath Sat, 07 Aug 2021 11:31:25 +0000 Hi.
Thank you for posting such an informative post regarding push notifications.
We have recently implemented WebPushr on our ecommerce wordpress woocomerce store and to date, we are pretty happy with the results that it is producing.

Keep up the good work.

By: Allison Tue, 27 Jul 2021 14:48:43 +0000 In reply to Love Shayari.

Hi there, you can check out some of our other posts for more email marketing tips:
How to Do Email Marketing (Ultimate Beginner’s Guide)
How to Write a Newsletter That Gets Results (17 Tips)
How to Make Money with Email Marketing

Hope these help! 🙂

By: Love Shayari Sun, 25 Jul 2021 10:33:07 +0000 Thanks for such a information but need some more ideas to get more traffic with email marketing
